Sunday, June 13, 2010


All of that scrubbing we did on the car and RV yesterday, well, it started raining after dinner, poured all night, it is still raining today and it is after 3 pm. Poor Hooptie is a dirty girl again.

We traveled to Delta Junction where the Alaska Hwy ends image and the mosquitoes are big.image    image   I wasn’t sure if Tommy and I would survive that mosquito attack.

Look at how much ice is left in this one river.image image We haven’t seen any ice in any of the rivers or creeks except this one.

We got our first glimpse of the Alaska pipeline over the Tanana River. image     A quick rest and stretch at the Knotty Pine store to see a few odd creatures and a free ice cream with the Milepost ad.image    image  image

Eielson AFB will be home for the next week while we tour the Fairbanks area. Nice camp – wooded, on Bear Lake with many signs of moose – tracks and droppings. We hope moose will be in our future – up close and personal. 

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