Saturday, April 17, 2010

Saying Good Bye Is Hard To Do

I really hated leaving the Grand Canyon today. To leave such a jaw dropping beauty is a difficult thing to do. I thought, would anything other than the Grand Canyon be as wonderful to look at again? I quickly found that the Grand Canyon is all her own, she doesn’t take away from anything else for the other places are their own too. You appreciate the sight for what it has to offer. I was happy to feel the “oh look!”  feeling when we crested a hill and saw another spectacular vista. The stripes and swirls are fascinating to me.image


Today was the day I decided I needed to drive this 36 foot class A motor coach.image I had some  6% down grades,image twists and turns,image and Yeah I did it. Wow I even pulled into a gas station and got it right to the pump! LOL. I drove for about 2 hours. I think Tommy liked the passenger seat after he got over the jitters!

Getting closer to Bryce and I think I am on a beauty overload again. image I was leaving the Grand Canyon with tears in my eyes and, now entering Bryce, they are wet again. I have never seen such orange/red mountains. The Navajo sandstone, responsible for the color, is richer here than Sedona or Canyonlands. image

Yes, another hill or turn and yes another amazing sight.

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